Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Free Writing Assignment: How Language plays it's part. (LIB 110)

"How Language impacts our society".

For this particular topic, I chose to use the, "Don't ask, don't tell" policy used by the United States military. The "Don't ask, don't tell" policy "was" a ruling preventing 'GAY' military soldiers from free expression to publicly express their right of being gay. As of yesterday September 19th, 2011, the ruling of this policy has come to an end. Ending a 20 year policy that hampered many gay US military soldiers their "freedom of expression" in presenting themselves to society.

I chose this topic because, I personally feel being denied the right to 'free expression', but yet having the responsibility of having the job of a US military soldier, which in itself holds huge responsibility, was unfair as well as a form of "INEQUALITY". My personal view to this situation can be better translated by simply saying, "These people put their lives at risk to protect our country, yet they were being denied the right to freedom of expression". The way language played its part, was them, the soldiers being denied the right to not verbaly, nor physically expression their true identity.
The bright side to this story, which as of yesterday September 19th, 2011, the policy has been removed.

1 comment:

  1. Everybody deserves the right to express themselves in any manner they please. i can't believe it took them 20 years to figure that out. crazy!
